


Peer reviewed
  1. Cornford, R., Millard, J., González‐Suárez, M., Freeman, R. and Johnson, T.F (2022) Automated synthesis of biodiversity knowledge requires better tools and standardised research output. Ecography, DOI:
  2. Millard, J., Freeman, R., Newbold, T., 2020. Text-analysis reveals taxonomic and geographic disparities in animal pollination literature. Ecography, DOI:
  3. Millard, J., Gregory, R., Jones, K., Freeman, R, 2020. The species awareness index as a conservation culturomics metric for public biodiversity awareness. Conservation Biology, DOI:
  4. Millard, J., Outhwaite, C., Kinnersley, R., Freeman, R., Gregory, R., Adedoja, O., Gavini, S., Kioko, E., Kuhlmann, M., Ollerton, J., Ren, Z-X., and Newbold, T., Global effects of land-use intensity on local pollinator biodiversity. Nature Communications, DOI:
  5. Newbold, T., Adams, G.L., Robles, G.A., Boakes, E.H., Ferreira, G.B., Chapman, A.S., Etard, A., Gibb, R., Millard, J., Outhwaite, C.L. and Williams, J.J., 2019. Climate and land-use change homogenise terrestrial biodiversity, with consequences for ecosystem functioning and human well-being. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, DOI:
  6. Johnson, T. F., Cornford, R., Dove, S., Freeman, R., Millard, J. Achieving a real-time online monitoring system for conservation culturomics. Conservation Biology, DOI:
  7. Skinner, S., Purvis, A., Cooke, R., Raw, C., K, Junghyuk., Millard, J. Dynameta: a dynamic platform for ecological meta-analyses in R Shiny. SoftwareX. DOI:
  8. Millard, J., Outhwaite, O., Dicks, L., Ollerton, J., Ceausu, S., Newbold, T., Key tropical crops at risk from pollinator biodiversity loss due to climate change and land use. Science Advances, DOI:
  9. Verissimo, D., Johnson, T., Millard, J., Roll, U., Adopt digital tools to monitor social dimensions of the global biodiversity framework. Conservation Letters (in press)
In prep
  1. Millard, J., Akimova, E., Ding, X., Leasure, D., Zhao, B., Mills, M., Stringent COVID-19 government restrictions were associated with a marked increase in Twitter activity in Europe. SocArXiv. DOI:
  2. Williams, J., Newbold, T., Millard, J., Groner, V., Pearson, R., Important pollinators respond less negatively to anthropogenic land use than other animals
  3. Millard, J. Coining one currency for nature. EcoEvoRxiv. DOI:
  4. Scheepens, D., Freeman, R., Millard, J., Newbold, T., Large language models provide a significant improvement in automating synthesis of ecological information

Invited talks and Symposia