Publishing Assistant – Nature Publishing Group (November 2015-September 2016)
Research Assistant – Action for the Wild (Summer 2014) & Cetacean Research and Rescue Unit (June 2016)
Peer reviewed
Cornford, R., Millard, J., González‐Suárez, M., Freeman, R. and Johnson, T.F (2022) Automated synthesis of biodiversity knowledge requires better tools and standardised research output. Ecography, DOI:
Millard, J., Freeman, R., Newbold, T., 2020. Text-analysis reveals taxonomic and geographic disparities in animal pollination literature. Ecography, DOI:
Millard, J., Gregory, R., Jones, K., Freeman, R, 2020. The species awareness index as a conservation culturomics metric for public biodiversity awareness. Conservation Biology, DOI:
Millard, J., Outhwaite, C., Kinnersley, R., Freeman, R., Gregory, R., Adedoja, O., Gavini, S., Kioko, E., Kuhlmann, M., Ollerton, J., Ren, Z-X., and Newbold, T., Global effects of land-use intensity on local pollinator biodiversity. Nature Communications, DOI:
Newbold, T., Adams, G.L., Robles, G.A., Boakes, E.H., Ferreira, G.B., Chapman, A.S., Etard, A., Gibb, R., Millard, J., Outhwaite, C.L. and Williams, J.J., 2019. Climate and land-use change homogenise terrestrial biodiversity, with consequences for ecosystem functioning and human well-being. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, DOI:
Johnson, T. F., Cornford, R., Dove, S., Freeman, R., Millard, J. Achieving a real-time online monitoring system for conservation culturomics. Conservation Biology, DOI:
Skinner, S., Purvis, A., Cooke, R., Raw, C., K, Junghyuk., Millard, J. Dynameta: a dynamic platform for ecological meta-analyses in R Shiny. SoftwareX. DOI:
Millard, J., Outhwaite, O., Dicks, L., Ollerton, J., Ceausu, S., Newbold, T., Key tropical crops at risk from pollinator biodiversity loss due to climate change and land use. Science Advances, DOI:
Verissimo, D., Johnson, T., Millard, J., Roll, U., Adopt digital tools to monitor social dimensions of the global biodiversity framework. Conservation Letters. DOI:
Scheepens, D., Freeman, R., Millard, J., Newbold, T., Large language models help facilitate the automated synthesis of information on potential pest controllers. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. DOI:
Williams, J., Newbold, T., Millard, J., Groner, V., Pearson, R., Important pollinators respond less negatively to anthropogenic land use than other animals. Ecology and Evolution (in press)
Millard, J., Christie, A., Dicks, L., Isip, J., Johnson, T., Skinner, G., Spake, R., ChatGPT is likely reducing opportunity for support, friendship, and learned kindness in research (in press). Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Johnson, T.F., Simmons, B., Millard, J., Strydom, T., Danet A., Evans, L., Pressure to publish introduces LLM risks (in press). Methods in Ecology and Evolution
In prep
Millard, J., Akimova, E., Ding, X., Leasure, D., Zhao, B., Mills, M., Stringent COVID-19 government restrictions were associated with a marked increase in Twitter activity in Europe. SocArXiv. DOI:
Millard, J. Mobilising central bank digital currency to bend the curve of biodiversity loss. EcoEvoRxiv. DOI:
Barnes, L., Wenban-Smith, E., Dicks, L., Millard, J., Bladon, A., Meta-analysis shows livestock farming reduces aquatic insect species richness but not total abundance
Skinner, G., Cooke, R., Millard, J., Global meta-analysis reveals overall negative impacts of invasive species on terrestrial insects, despite highly variable responses
Millard, J., Skinner, G., Bladon A., Cooke R., Outhwaite, C., Rodger, J., Isip, J., Keum, K., Raw, C., Dicks, L., Hui, C., Jones, J., Woodcock, B., Isaac, N., Purvis, A. A multi-threat meta-analytic database for understanding insect biodiversity change
Cooke, R., Outhwaite, C., Bladon, A., Millard, J., Rodger, J., Dong, Z., Dyer E., Edney, S., Murphy, J., Dicks, L., Hui, C., Jones, I., Newbold, T., Purvis, A., Roy, H., Woodcock, B., & Isaac, N. J. B. Integrating evidence across time, space, experiments, and experts to understand insect change
Cooke, R., Outhwaite, C., Bladon, A., Millard, J., Rodger, J., Dong, Z., Dyer E., Edney, S., Murphy, J., Dicks, L., Hui, C., Jones, I., Newbold, T., Purvis, A., Roy, H., Woodcock, B., & Isaac, N. J. B. Insect Insect Time Series (IN-TIME), a database of worldwide insect trends
Wenban-Smith, E., Barnes, L., Millard, J., Dicks, L., Turner, E,. Bladon, A., Meta-analysis of extreme temperature effects on the abundance and survival of Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera
Outhwaite, C., Purvis A., Newbold, T., Bladon, A., Cooke, R., Millard, J., Dicks L., Isaac, N., The response of Hymenopteran (Bees, Wasps & Ants) biodiversity to a changing world
Millard, J., Varah, A., Isip, J., Tudge, S., Contu, S., Burton, V., Johnson, T., Purvis, A., De Palma, A., Predictions of biodiversity change are question dependent
Invited talks and Symposia
Royal Society Recovering Nature event: building on Georgina Mace’s work to ensure a biodiverse and liveable future – invited as one of 12 contributed speakers building on Georgina’s work
ICCB 2023 round-table symposium; Large scale monitoring of perceptions of nature: state of the art and ways forward – co-author on accepted proposal, and then group lead on presentation entitled “Achieving a real-time online monitoring system for conservation culturomics”
NHM & Turing AI Lunch Series – invite only lunch for AI scientists working in the natural and environmental sciences